A Note from Jane: Hello SUMMER!

A Note from Jane: Hello SUMMER!

Posted by Jane PARADIS on

It has been MONTHS since I have written and as usual, the tidal wave of progress, the onslaught of headline NEWS (annoyingly seems to only be bad news?), all the ‘stuff’ that is life – it is coming fast and furious. The end of the school year is a time that always surprises me with how hectic it becomes, with end of year events, graduations, kids coming home from school, vacations around the corner…it’s a very full calendar. So what did I decide to do? I got covid.

I am still in shock I have not had Covid even ONCE! But it caught me just as I am in the whirlwind of the kids home from college, Tiki graduating, some SERIOUS shopping by you all who need all your Jane Win fast (love it!). Sometimes when you have a moment to slow down (albeit forced) you have a second to reflect. And guys. My summary of it all? I feel So. Incredibly. Lucky. And in order to get lucky, you have to work Really. Dang. Hard. And it’s only a good idea if you have Fun. Every. Day.

Lol was that annoying? I don’t care.

I have been all over the place, lots of travel, lots of trunk shows, a really fun push to get everyone loads of jewelry for Mother’s Day. It’s like a second Christmas holiday for Jane Win and my greatest pleasure that everyone is thinking of us for the ultimate gift for their MOM – that is literally why we started the company! The team and I pictured below at our pop up in Charleston (one of my favorite places!).

Jane Win Team

Post Mother’s Day we think things calm down but they don’t. We have a million graduation requests and I LOVE that we have new engravable pieces along with the Forever 2022 Coin to mark that moment. Of course, you all know that my youngest is graduating from high school and headed to Clemson and I have been INCONSOLABLE. I start to cry all the time. Every day. When I pass the elementary school. When I talk to other Mom’s. PROM (I had to bring a box of tissues to prom pics). It’s ok – it’s a process.

In addition to all these moments of travel and celebrating mom and crying (lol), I have had a few CAREER moments that I am so happy to share with you. This week I was interviewed by an idol of mine, Jill Manoff, for the Glossy podcast. While this is an industry podcast serving fashion and beauty – I think you would all love to listen (check it out here). During the first year of the pandemic, I was alone in our showroom packing orders – our business was half the size it is now – and I would listen to two podcasts: Jill’s Glossy Forum and How I Built This by Guy Raz. They ‘kept me company’ as I packed your jewelry, handwriting each note. I learned so much from the stories of other founders building their brands. Sometimes it was a focus on marketing or building a relationship with your customer…sometimes it was another founder living through the changes covid was bringing their business. It was a highlight of my day because I felt like I was not alone in yes the struggles, and very much bonded with others in a determination to make something great.

Jane Winchester Paradis the Glossy Podcast

When Jill asked to interview me for her podcast I – fell off my chair. I am so so honored and hope that I can inspire, both smaller business AND larger ones in the way we have chosen to navigate not just a pandemic, but how our core values have made our company what it is. Mental picture for you: because my house is grand central, they suggested I record in a room with no windows and lots of fabric?!?!? So, my career HIGH happens while hiding in the back of my closet, wearing giant headphones and recording the conversation on my phone.

Jane Winchester Paradis Tell Us More Main Line TV

AND THEN! I filmed a local tv segment for a new show called TELL US MORE. I loveddddddd filming it even though I feel like it’s a terrible angle and I have a double chin but who cares! It was fun and I adored the hosts for thinking of me for the very first taping. If you have a moment you should watch because it will make you smile. MANY thanks to Anne and Richard for having me on their very first episode. Right now there have been 78 views on you tube so…maybe we can give that a little boost 😐. Linked here!

Just as I was feeling so good about this, I received the nastiest dm on Instagram from a customer – actually someone that I loosely know. It took my breath away. It was written with a poison pen and no matter how I tried to explain or reason with this person – she was filled with anger, and it made me so sad. I am really trying to let it go…move on from the negative stuff that seems to be constantly popping up but WOW that is easier said than done.

And you know what I realized...again…you are in charge of your own happiness. And you can’t be in charge of grumpy people lol! As usual, the ups and downs are constant. And in a way it makes you appreciate each happy thing a bit more. ANNOYING it needs to be followed by something negative but listen, we are talking about a cumulative growth in happiness 😊.

I just have so much more to tell you but you should be out enjoying the weekend so I’ll keep it brief-ish. We are having a giant graduation party for Tiki with an all-white bouncy house, mac and cheese bar, Drew as DJ… We have torn DOWN our house in New Hampshire and plan to move into the new digs in June. Sabrina is leaving for Cambridge for the summer. Tiki is headed to Greece. Naomi is in Barcelona. We have a June collection of Jane Win pieces that are going to KILL YOU dead dead dead. OH, and the Jane Win team – I love them! They are such rockstars. Mr. Jane Win is sitting next to me (with covid aka we both have covid) and we have been on screen with the fabulous women in the office all day and I feel SO LUCKY to have them. So. That’s my explosion of an update.

PS: this was written 5/22 and I have fully recovered from covid and I am in New Hampshire putting the boat in the lake for the summer so…good things come in waves. And I am riding this one.

Sending TONS of love, Janie


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