A Note From Jane: COURAGE and 2024!

A Note From Jane: COURAGE and 2024!

Posted by Jane PARADIS on

A note from Jane: Jan 1, 2024

Like many of you, today I take a little time to reflect. I write my Note from Jane in a running document, just a regular word doc, that I started during the pandemic Spring 2020. That’s when the world shut down – a time that we have delightfully blocked out of memory as we face the next challenge…and the new year. When I go back and read, I see every emotion of the last 4 years: fear, sadness, hope, anger – and despite those scarier feelings – an immense amount of happiness.

 Layered on top… Jane Win has just celebrated its 6th birthday. I have just completed my 50th trip around the sun. We have signed the lease on an additional space for Jane Win – and it’s fabulous. I’m an empty nester. We just landed at home after a week away with all of our kids (yes, we survived a sunshine + cervesa filled week away with 5 kids and a boyfriend ages 19, 21, 22, 24 and 26!). My family and I are healthy. The pendulum of things that scare me and things that make me happy – continues to SWING.

 I am both looking back AND looking forward with emotion, gratitude and, honestly, a bit of fear of the unknown.

 What I have found is that you all speak volumes with the coins that you purchase. Meaning, how our wonderful group of customers ‘feels’ is reflected in the purchases of the words for each coin. When we launched in 2018, LUCKY and FOREVER were our top sellers. When the pandemic hit, PROTECT rocketed to number one. During the pandemic we launched HOPE, and it was immediately a success, we could not keep it in stock! Two years ago, we launched BALANCE and honestly, you didn’t really care much lol! Balance feels unachievable? Balance has been canceled 😅. Last year we introduced both FAITH and SISTERS and they immediately resonated and have been our top selling coins since they launched. I just love that the Sisters Coin (family and your soul-sisters) has immediately become a must gift item for you! Leading into this holiday 2023 our number one seller – week after week – was LOVE. Doesn’t that make you feel good ♥️

The team and I talk A LOT about what piece we want to introduce with the new year. Drumroll please, for 2024 our word is COURAGE
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As you may have heard me say on Instagram, I write the words for the coins before we design the piece. It is the meaning that embodies the piece, the words are what we all gravitate towards – that is how we connect. These are the words for Courage
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"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." ― Winston Churchill

When faced with adversity, we call on courage, and just the right amount of fearlessness, to conquer anything that life throws our way. When stalled, our best approach to the bravery needed to move in the right direction is just the tiniest step forward. That momentum grows and not only builds fortitude but keeps you optimistic. We believe in the spirit of positivity for a happy life, lived with courage.

Personally, there are times I need Courage. This might be a lot of information, but in the past few years I have had my first panic attacks. UGH, they are horrible. I literally cannot control the wave when it comes. BUT, one thing that has helped me, is to take one tiny step forward, to do a menial task. So, for me, this coin is something to hold on to as a reminder that I can move forward even when in a state of 'panic'. That is what I take from it, but the meaning is meant to be personalized. I would love to GIFT this coin to my daughter Sabrina as she graduates from college and goes to law school. She has ‘found her people’ and her soul is alive in college – and now she will leave that behind to start fresh in a highly competitive environment. I wish her Courage. I want to gift this coin to my cousin as she makes a massive transition in her life, moving her family, starting at new schools, making a house a home. She already has so much Courage but I want to give her EXTRA. I want to gift this coin to my friend as her husband undergoes cancer treatment, a little something to hold on to as a reminder her of her own strength. I want to give her every bit of COURAGE that exists. 

I get a little nervous about the word Courage because I don’t want it to feel like you are scared. Instead, this coin embodies the strength and the optimism that makes courage possible. It’s the ‘push’ forward, the knowledge that you CAN do it. I want to say – in writing so you remember – our lives are precious. The family, the kids, the small business we created…the days are slow (and can be hard) but the years FLY. Take them on with Courage, married with an overflow of JOY, with LOVE, with PEACE, and, yes, even with our less-loved BALANCE 😉  

Sending so much LOVE TO YOU on this first day of 2024. xx Janie

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