A Note From Jane:  Happy Father's Day

A Note From Jane: Happy Father's Day

Posted by Jane PARADIS on

Father's Day


A Note from Jane

Normally we don’t send an email on Sunday, and normally I don’t talk much about Father’s Day because – well it doesn’t have a lot to do with jewelry 😉. But this year I wanted to send a quick note, really in remembrance of my Dad. Every once and a while Mr. Jane Win will say to me – your Dad would be so proud of you. And that catapults me into remembering him – and how I know he would be GLOWING and BURSTING with pride for what we have built in Jane Win, and for who I have become at age 50 – the kind of Mom I am and the way I have chosen to live my life.

I have been talking about my Dad more on Instagram stories because some of the art in the showroom he brought back from when he lived in Ethopia. Our evil eye collection (the focus of our June delivery!) is inspired by my living in Greece when my dad was doing research there. My Dad LOVED to gift jewelry and (ugh sorry if this is privileged but it just is what it is) every holiday I would have a blue box from Tiffany under the tree. Sometimes I would sneak in to his closet and find the Tiffany bag and PEEK (eek now I am going to hell for admitting this)  – they have a special way of retying their bows and I learned how to do it so I could replace everything JUST SO and not get caught. Milestone events in my life were marked with jewelry – and this is the point of this blog from me – they were given with a handwritten note. He never ever ever bought a hallmark card, instead his gift was accompanied by a piece of thick Cranes stationery, dated, and a short ‘letter’…he would tell me how proud he was of me, he would tell me why he chose the piece for me. The jewelry was always nice, but the notes are what I treasure the most now.

I know you know this if you have purchased a Jane Win piece, our coins all come with a card that explains the piece, the meaning behind the word – a way to connect. I wrote the meaning for each piece before I designed the coins. His notes, and the meanings, it’s everything – it’s more than the jewelry.

My Dad died with my brother and I next to him, and before he passed he said that he ‘would always be with us’, and I truly didn’t know what he meant at the time – I was shocked and mad he was dying and couldn’t see through the emotion. BUT NOW, I get it.

Being a mother, being a father – it has an indelible mark. Thank goodness my Dad was anti-hallmark and decided to put his thoughts and feelings into words! He taught me to do the same.

Happy Happy Father’s Day – if there are any men reading this lol, probably not many (but Happy Father’s Day Uncle Bo I know you are reading!). I am very lucky to get to celebrate Mr. Jane Win today – the best Dad I know…and think so so fondly of my Dad.

Here’s a look at our Original collection of coins and the cards that go along with them. Whenever someone is choosing their first coin I encourage them to read the meaning because one will jump out to you – it will connect. Have fun exploring what truly makes Jane Win different and special, the meaning behind each piece.

xx Janie

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