An update from Jane - Diary 3.28.2020

An update from Jane - Diary 3.28.2020

Posted by Jane PARADIS on

Our next installment of my diary of sharing, in hopes that we create a sense of community...sticking together through this unimaginable time.

OK one moment of drama. My hair literally might start falling out in chunks from the STRESSS. THE FACTORIES. I am literally juggling, begging for everyone to function right now. Everyone who makes our JW product is in a state of limbo and it’s no one’s fault…but it’s literally killing me. We got the stones, but the chain factory closed. We have the castings but, the plater is taking it day by day so you don’t know if they will close while holding thousands of dollars’ worth of your product.

On top of it, a store in Hawaii closed and has product they haven’t paid for. They BEGGED us to send pieces on consignment (which means they pay when the pieces sell) for them to have for a trunk show during spring break. Last year I went and sold a bunch, had a blast and it was great for all. This year I knew I couldn’t go but sent them a package with over 30 pieces. I emailed last week saying “please, please if you think there is any chance you will close…please send our pieces back.” And they didn’t. And then they closed. We are a small business and we just can’t have inventory sitting in the dark because someone didn’t care enough to do the right thing. And I’m so ANGRY. We always, ALWAYS try and do the right thing for our stores and vendors, so when that courtesy is not returned, it really hits me.

OK…BREATHING. My being angry is the stupidest thing and one day to recoup from the news can really help with perspective. NOT reacting in the moment has become a lesson for me.

Here’s the amazing part. Last week I was buzzing through Facebook and my friend from high school, Caitlin, had just posted to her feed. She is the Medical Director of Infectious Disease at UCLA. For me, a person who really struggled academically, it’s just staggering how successful this lovely, shy high school friend has become. I reached out because I wanted to send her a little something. I sent her the LOVE coin. Here is Caitlin with her family as she heads out to work (photo credit to Diana Feil). She said “Janie! I love, love, love the pendant you sent me. I am wearing it as a talisman to help keep me safe.”

And all of a sudden…I don’t care about the factories; HOW SMALL THOSE PROBLEMS SEEM. As I sit here with my family – all 5 kids around doing crafts and making popcorn -- Caitlin heads off to work on the front line. We are so indebted to these medical professions putting it all on the line for us AND the people keeping our grocery and pharmacies open. It leaves me speechless. So, I don’t promise not to complain, but I will continue to put things in perspective. AND, I will do my best to keep making beautiful jewelry because it’s a GREAT pick-me-up during this crazy time.

Sending tons of love,

xx Jane Win

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