Diary Installment 6: an optimistic person, a small businesses, and a mom. This is my diary of sharing, in hopes that we create a sense of community and stick together through this unimaginable time.
The people that are working there are doing EVERYTHING in their power to make it safe. And they are working so hard. I thought, when this is over, I must find a way to thank them. These are regular people that are on the front lines of something no one expected, and they are risking exposure to do the right thing for their customers. I love them! Isn’t it crazy how your perspective can change?
OK, here’s what’s going on. Factories are still a mess. We are close to having restock on PROTECT coins done. We are close to having our beautiful Mother’s Day and graduation flower necklaces. All close…but not in hand. Stay tuned.
My daughter who is a Senior got into one of her first-choice colleges and I am over the moon. The process was worse than I thought. It was more disappointing and emotional than I thought…so I am just happy she found a place she loves. PS: she hasn’t VISITED because it’s in Georgia and now she will probably accept having not been there in person. So that’s weird!
We have made Carbonara from scratch, French bread, a million cookies, chicken teriyaki: we have never enjoyed cooking more. I have this WONDERFUL customer who is a chef @themediterraneanchef (please follow her immediately). She found Jane Winchester, bought a few coins and charms, and has developed a little addiction that I completely approve of. TODAY she has launched a give-away called SHARE THE LOVE featuring our love coin. So…cooking CHECK; doing a lot of that now. Love CHECK; wanting everyone to feel a lot of that now . Hope you enjoy her recipes and enter to win the JW coins.
I have gotten hundreds (yes hundreds) of incredible replies to these diary emails. I know I exaggerate, but words cannot express how much I appreciate each one. I did get one tough response that I thought I’d share. I wrote the person back an apology but didn’t hear from them:
“The email I received from you today was disgusting. Your blog is disappointing. Your jewelry is beautiful. I had not purchased any for myself yet. The jewelry has such a lovely and personal message, you would be better off uplifting your customers. I felt violated after reading. Everyone is stressed and anxious right now and not just because it’s the first time we’re doing household chores.”
When I first opened the email, the message took my breath away and I almost started to cry (that happens easily so take it with a grain of salt). I’m only including their note because I think it’s important to remember that people are coming at this crisis from very different places. For me, family and my small business are a priority. But I have not had someone close to me get sick. I fear that, but it has not happened. I am not working in the Acme; I am working safely from home. I can ship to my customers and pay my bills. That is all for now, but it is where I sit. I know that I have it better than so many others. And not always better – but different. When I watch TV, our local station is running ads that “we are all in this together” AND WE ARE. So, if I offend, please know that I really am open to hearing your point of view – because I think that’s what makes us stronger.
Before I go, I thought it could be fun to share all our Zodiac coins. For each coin we list a few words about that sign. I am a Capricorn and I am described as driven (yes), sophisticated (I try), wise (not sure that’s correct) and caring of others (working on that always!). Take a peek at how we describe you and let me know if we are on point!
Sending tons of love,