A Note From Jane: We're in the Wall Street Journal

A Note From Jane: We're in the Wall Street Journal

Posted by Jane PARADIS on

Diary Installment 31:  An optimistic person, a small business, and a mom.  This is my diary of sharing, in hopes that we create a sense of community and stick together through this unimaginable time. 

I was watching Oprah (queen) interview Brené Brown (QQQQUUUEENNNN) and O asked Brené what was a life changing moment for her. When Brenee answered, she read this quote:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
― Theodore Roosevelt

Last week little Jane Win – and I – ended up on the front page of the Wall Street Journal small business section. Front page. And I thought of the above words as I read through the article. No disrespect to any profession but small business owners…people who start business from scratch – they are warriors. It is an equal mix of incredibly hard and incredibly rewarding – and I would not have it any other way 😊.  The article is titled You Want to Start a Business? First, Ask Yourself These Questions. Read the full article here.


Reading through the article it dawned on me. We are all running our own little business. Our lives. And sometimes we forget to plan for the future, celebrate the successes, we forget our core values. So even if you are not starting a business, this article is a fabulous read – and I’m not just saying that because I am quoted 😊.

One thing that I did 4 years ago before starting Jane Win was answer a series of questions on what I envisioned my life looking like in 10 years. I am really happy to say, I am making progress to get to that place that I envisioned. And one thing I wrote when doing the exercise is that I wanted to ENJOY THE RIDE. You have heard me say it before, it can’t be about the end result – it has to be about the everyday joy. That said, having a plan goals is essential. Sidenote: I sure as heck did not plan for a global pandemic 😅.

In year one I seriously struggled with the mental fortitude it took to start over, start something totally new and do it on my own (with Mr. Jane Win of course!). Fast forward to today - I had a photoshoot with the team and looked around to find myself surrounded by smart, lovely engaged women. I had ‘made it’ from the days alone in my office and had created a new reality of a girl gang that were my partners in building Jane Win. I found myself smiling as I saw Rachel layering jewelry on the model and Emily taking behind the scenes videos. It feels like a new day for our brand.  A post pandemic Jane Win that is moving on from this diary where we had to unite so closely because we were scared, moving on joyfully on--to a Jane Win that is confident in the product we can make, so much more confident because we have been through so much. We made it through that. YOU made it through that.

The core values that I talk about in the WSJ article have truly been our guiding light – through every day good and bad. In the article I talk about having to move product to new factories, juggling the overseas question and honestly – we are making some things overseas because in some cases it’s better than what we can make here. But the core values I come back to most is a combo of…we make beautiful things, we are not afraid to be ourselves, we are humble and we give back. Almost every business crossroad can be answered reflecting on those core values! You can read how we made the core values a part of our company here.

I am so proud that my words made sense to the Wall Street Journal writer – that they were strong and ‘good enough’ to be included – and make the C-O-V-E-R. It’s such a huge deal for me personally, it feels like one of those moments I will look back on – whether the business is a success or fails – and be proud of.

As always I am so humbled by the wonderful people around me, and the incredible CUSTOMERS who proudly wear what we create. Special shout-out to our home-town Pennsylvania crowd to keeps showing up for us – we are so lucky to have all of you in Jane Win family.

Sidenote: my youngest Tiki turned 17 today and I have been crying. I know I know it’s so silly but the way my iPhone can show me every picture of her ever taken it just makes you realize how fast it all goes by. So before we get onto a VERY special segment from Mr. Jane Win, I want to say, say it in writing so you remember – our lives are precious. The family, the kids – the small business we create…the days are slow (and can be hard) but the years FLY. With this new happy look post-pandemic I appreciate everything MORE. Let’s get onto this new roaring 2020’s they have been talking about (safely!) and treasure the good, enjoying the ride 😊.

Okay now....drum roll please. We have a Father's Day gift guide from the ONE and only Mr. Jane Win. I thought it would be so much fun to have Mr. Jane Win pick out a few of his favorite things for a gift guide. Like so many awesome dads, Mr. Jane Win is not as interested in Father's Day gifts as he is spending time with our family.

That being said, summer is here and we are excited to be spending the summer with our family at our favorite place in New Hampshire and Mr. Jane Win's picks will certainly make the summer even more FUN! Happy Father's Day to all the amazing dads and especially to Mr. Jane Win, thank you for all that you do for our family and for our business!  💙 Read a note from Mr. Jane Win's and read his Father's Day gift guide here


Sending tons of love,

xx Jane



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