A Note from Jane: Why BALANCE for 2022?

A Note from Jane: Why BALANCE for 2022?

Posted by Jane PARADIS on

I have been thinking a lot about how to welcome in 2022. As I type this I am escaping to someplace sunny for a quick reset before the new year is upon us, with new goals, endless opportunities and yes, pressures. The news is talking 24/7 covid and it has completely overwhelmed me. It would be impossible to write about the last year and looking forward to the next without recognizing the ways that covid has changed our lives...but this note from me is not going to be all about that.

I receive a million emails a day from brands that I love that are big and cool, and at the start of the year their CEO’s write letters of thanks and it all seems so generic and fine. A little verbal dribble that is thoughtful but also feels like a check-the-box on the marketing calendar for the January 1st email.

As usual, I just have too much to say and I am sure some of it I should keep to myself lol. Looking back, 2021 was a year of extremes for Jane Win, and for me personally. As a person who craves a ‘steady’ consistent life vibe, extremes are not my friend. In the positives, business has been great. We have found new factories all over the US, India and yes China – to make our pieces better than ever. I have LOVED working on the details of design that make each piece special. I have always had a gift for connecting through words and the meaning behind the coins is where I started. But this year, with our designer Rachel’s help, I feel as though some of the ‘feelings’ behind the collection have translated to thoughtful design elements. Our HOPE coin is so special, with a years’ worth of flowers crammed into one 1.2” coin, our series of unique Bells were released, the small heart and arrows on the back of the Star Bright star – those are the things that set us apart from other brands. It is why we treasure each piece – these are not simple pearl studs that anyone could make (although we love a classic pearl!), they are thoughtful moments captured in gold and gemstones. Our sales have been strong which has allowed us to invest in new talent in the brand and I am so thankful to Rachel, Emily, Taylor, Amy, Jocelyn, Eva and of course my rock Doug (aka Mr. Jane Win) – I look forward every day to going to the office to be with them…isn’t that what it’s all about!

Personally, I have had a hard time staying balanced this year. I have been on fad diet cleanses (reminder to NEVER do that again), I have had too much wine and then no alcohol…I cut my HAIR SHORT! Honestly all signs that while I have a ‘slow and steady wins the race’ positive attitude at work – my personal life is a little off kilter. Figuring out how to age gracefully is really really hard and I’m only 48! How to let my kids grow up and leave the nest without bursting into tears and stalking them wherever they go to school (this is a real issue people). You know, little stuff like that lol.

Watching the news, it feels like the world feeds on drama but…I hate drama. I want happy. I want fun work challenges and personal growth. I want to smile and laugh without wearing a mask. I want to fit into my skinny jeans. I want everyone to be healthy. I want it to be 75 degrees and sunny. I want to get rid of all the extremes that seem to pull the world – and me – from side to side and apart. Ultimately, I just want confidence not insecurity.

So. Here’s the reality. The extremes have always existed. It’s up to us to decide if we meet them on either end.

Now here are some extremes I can get on board with: planting one million bulbs in the fall so your spring time tulip bed looks like the Brooklyn Botanical Garden, layering up on all your jewelry so you have every bit of gold you own around your neck (yes!) and the story behind each piece, spoiling your kids with support and love so they can navigate the world without you, having an extremely patient and loving husband who you allows you to be YOU . Those are fun and good extremes. The other extremes, the ones that can truly take us off course – I want to throw as many as I can out with 2021 and in their place bring balance.

With a little digging on sales numbers, we see that PRE-pandemic the LUCKY coin was our number one seller. And that was in recognition of the luck people felt (not a desperate cry for luck to come their way 😊). When covid hit, the PROTECT coin was impossible to keep in stock and by FAR our number one piece. On January 2021 we launched HOPE and immediately you all embraced the word and it was our number one coin for 2021. Today, we are launching BALANCE.

The words that accompany the BALANCE coin read: The definition of balance is an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. 2022 brings us the opportunity to build security in our every day. We have learned that balance comes from within…and must withstand the exterior forces that try and knock us off our feet. Success comes from a positive outlook and strength to withstand the forces around us while moving forward (with a smile!). This year, we all strive for balance. With it, you will stand sturdy, you will not fall.

I hope you love the design and I hope the word connects. I hope that this coin can give you (and ME!) something to hold onto this year to remind us that the extremes do not rule our lives, that security will keep us centered, and that you have a community around you that feels the same way. With a little balance, we can do anything we set our minds to. 

Happy happy new year to you, I wish you happiness and BALANCE.

xx Janie

JW Balance


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