Snakes have been used in jewelry forever and are top of our list for the coolest critter for accessories. Just like last week's HEART post (read about trending heart jewelry here), snakes are polarizing - some people can’t get enough and others hate (Emilie!). If snakes are your thing - great - we love them too! I have been collecting snake jewelry for years and have to gut-check my accessories before I leave to make sure I haven’t double dipped on snakes. One snake is CHIC, but a snake ring, necklace and bag is too much. One must practice some self control :).
GUCCI is leading the snake trend right now. Beyond the beaded snakes slithering across bags and adorning scarves, the pillows we just saw Amy Astley of Architectural Digest carry out of Bergdorf Goodman made our heart stop. Must have is an understatement.

Here’s a little background on the symbolism of snakes in jewelry. Some people think snakes mean something evil - but that is not the case (usually :-). Snakes regenerate (they shed their skin) and because of that symbolize eternal youth. I'm in! Snakes are used in many cultures to serve as protectors, to symbolize wisdom, eternity, power and healing (think of the medical symbol of the snake on a staff). So maybe snakes should get a break from all the haters?
One of the best places to find unique snake jewelry are vintage dealers. A favorite (and winner of the award for all around best taste) is Ladybug Vintage. We have featured one of her snakes below, check out her site on 1st Dibs and DM on Instagram (@ladybugvintage) for special requests. Other great resources are Ruby Lane and Sweet & Spark.
Here are some of my favorite snake items available right now. YOU CAN BET that Jane Winchester will have a snake pendant in our first collection, but shop these now and I’ll help you build on your collection later!

Vintage KJL Earring and Ring Set from Ladybug Vintage
If you have any fabulous snake jewelry I'd love to see it - please send me a picture or share on our Facebook page. Tons of love and xx, Janie